Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Goreacle?

Like most of America, I want sweeping reforms in government. I thought President Elect Obama was on the same page. That is, until I read he was meeting with Al Gore to discuss environmental policies in Chicago. Now, I'm not so sure.

Ex-V.P. Gore, touted by many to be an environmental visionary....father of the internet, etc., winner of the Nobel Prize, is a fraud. Why Obama would seek to surround himself with doomsayers and shaman is beyond my comprehension. Gore is one such person. He runs from town to town evoking the global warming boogeyman, while filling the air with hazardous chemicals every time his aircraft take to the sky. Further, his residence in Tennessee is one of the largest consumers of electric power in the state. And if that wasn't enough to prove how hypocritical the man is, he has the gall to scam Americans out of millions of dollars by selling a service online to people who feel guilty for using gasoline and electricity to "offset their carbon foot print" as it were. Penn and Teller got it right folks, Al Gore is Bull Shit! Which leaves me with nothing to say but, GIVE ME A FREAKING BREAK ALREADY!

Here's a thought Mr. President Elect: Instead of going to known hacks for advice, why don't you get onboard with a true ecological visionary like T. Boone Pickens. Advocate moneys to get the scientific community off it's collective butts and pioneer new technology to advance the cleaning of our air and water as well as find alternatives to current power methods. I'm sure if there were a 50 million dollar reward offered for a viable alternate fuel source, a lot of people would get their brilliant minds busy on a solution, don't you agree?

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