Thursday, September 10, 2009

Politcal Involvement Causes Unwinnable Wars

From the days of the Roman Empire to modern times, military leaders have known what it takes to win wars. Those same leaders also know what can quickly turn a victory into a quagmire: Politicians. Over the weekend, I tuned into so many television shows talking about the unwinnable war in Afghanistan, it made me physically sick. The latest debacle to cause the politicians to wring their hands and extol portents of doom involved a NATO air strike that hit two tanker trucks in the north of that rocky turd of a flea-bitten country. Everyone from the President on down, military commanders included, were crying about innocent civilian casualties in the incident. Innocent. Right. GIVE ME A FREAKING BREAK ALREADY!!!!!!!!

Let me set you straight on this deal. First of all, the two tankers that were destroyed were stolen fuel trucks. STOLEN! German troops called in the strike after locating the vehicles and American planes quickly took them out. The so-called 'innocent civilians' injured and blown into a billion little pieces were out there trying to steal some of that stolen fuel when everything went "BOOM". When the hell are the people of the world going to wisen up to the fact that there ARE no innocent people in Afghanistan? Do you know what grows in Afghanistan besides rocks? Opium Poppies are the cash crop of that impoverished nation. A lot of poor people are forced to tend to the fields to keep their corrupt government fat and happy. Look who's running the show! The same people who fought against the U.S. in 2001 are the people running the country! Do you think they care about their people? Hell no! Those people scrape a living by any means possible, that includes stealing whatever they can get their hands on. This time, they paid a hefty price. Now, however, their corrupt leader smell a windfall opportunity and they are milking the hell out of it.

Washington is losing this war for our military by bowing down to these ragamuffin turds every time one of them gets in the line of fire. Hell, three quarters of them tell the Taliban when soldiers are coming their way. There is only one way to achieve an objective victory in the region and that is to get the politicians noses out of the military's ass. Vietnam was a fiasco thanks to, so is Afghanistan. They whine about costs? Hell, they never should have committed ground troops there in the first place. Old Uncle Fido knows the best way to win against an entrenched force is to bomb those sorry bastards every time they dare to stick their heads out of their caves. After awhile, they either starve to death, surrender, or worse still, get turned on by their own people and torn to pieces so the bombing will stop. Another thing I can't help noticing.....why are they not destroying all those poppy fields? Surely they know the Taliban gets funding from a vigorous drug trade, don't they? thinks me smells a rat, here.

So, there's your solution, Washington. Pull out the ground troops, blow up EVERYTHING drug related, any buildings that look new or expensive.....that's where all the corrupt officials will be found, and end the insignificant existence of the Taliban within a year's time. Let the poor people of Afghanistan choose a future for themselves by blowing up the assholes who've held them down for so long. Who knows? Maybe they'll do a better job than our politicians seem to be doing. As for world opinion about constantly bombing the Taliban... If the world doesn't like it, tell them to kiss our red, white, and blue asses. We still carry the big stick, last time I checked.

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