Call me mean spirited if you must, but I have not kept up on the goings on in the life, and death, of Michael Jackson. In fact, I'm a little ticked off about his crap polluting the internet and TV. Well, I was until I was flipping through the channels and I got my first look at his kids. HIS kids? Yup. Here it comes......GIMME A FREAKING BREAK ALREADY!!!!!!
Earth to, well....the Earth! Unless Michael Jackson injected some Clorox into his testicles....those aren't his kids. They are WHITE, and I don't mean Obama white, either, but 100% Grade A honky. I don't care how often he soaked in bleach and peroxide, his DNA should have made little partial chocolate bundles of joy. Wait! This just in.....
He never slept with the woman he was married to? Well, that certainly makes sense from his perspective. He WAS into little boys. Yeah, yeah...you can say he wasn't convicted all you want, but the jerk payed serious blood money to the victims' families to keep it out of court. Personally, I wouldn't let my kids hang around with a man that chummed about with a monkey while turning himself white. The man was just plain freaky. Just goes to show you some people are so greedy they'd sell their own children's souls to make a quick buck or two. THEY are the one's who should be put on trial. Everything about the guy screamed child molester, for Christ's sake! Would you let your kids go camping with Robert Blake? No? Then why would you trust them with someone who makes HIM look normal by comparison?
I'm not here to put down on his talent; He had loads of that. I just think he's getting his ass kicked all over hell by Elvis right now for everything else, aside from Lisa Marie even. The man transformed himself from a well respected black man into a cartoon caricature of a white meth- addicted hippie. Eccentric is too tame a word for what he became. Loon is more appropriate where Mr. Jackson is concerned. I just feel sorry for those poor kids. They will grow up with real identity crisis issues if left in the care of that particular family. They should be remanded to their biological parent. That won't happen, of course. You know what they say...money talks and justice walks.
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