Today, Carolina's Dante Wesley was ejected from a football game for taking a cheap shot at Tampa's Clifton Smith during a punt return. Smith, having signaled for a fair catch, was bulldozed by an airborne Wesley and later determined to have suffered a concussion. The officials ejected Wesley after breaking up the fight that ensued on field between the two teams. But that's not the most interesting part of this story, the racial riot on Yahoo has been far more entertaining. Which leads me to say, once again, GIMME A FREAKING BREAK ALREADY!!!!!!!
What the hell turned a cheap shot on the gridiron into a cyberspace race war? First of all, both players involved in the debacle were black. What gives? For some reason, I could not pull up the initial comments made on the subject, so I do NOT know who threw the first racist punch. Both sides were throwing recriminations to the wind and things were only getting worse when I joined the fray. It's a damn football game, folks, calm down.
Ironically, pouring through the 1200 plus comments, I found both the worst, and the best, of the human spirit represented. One black lady quoted an eloquent remark she'd heard on a TV show: "We ain't what we should be, we ain't what we're going to be, but at least we ain't what we was." I found that remark both poignant and inspirational, not only for black people, but all of humanity.
There were equally discouraging remarks made by people from all walks of life and educational levels, as well. As such, another man pointed out a double-standard that has been forced upon whites. While I normally don't encourage the use of the 'N' word, I have said it myself out of anger and ignorance in the past. I find it perversely despicable that blacks use it as an affectation of solidarity and fellowship. That's why I couldn't understand why the word was suspiciously invisible on the forum while remarks of 'cracker' were everywhere. Is it just me, or did racism become an exclusively white club while I wasn't looking? I know more than my fair share of black bigots, so why are they treated as victims and whites as villains? I find myself being discriminated against daily, not for the color of my skin (I am of mixed heritage), but because I have a criminal record. Clearly, paranoia agents are everywhere, not just in the pigmentation of our flesh.
Wouldn't it be nice to wake up in a world where we had all set aside our petty differences? Sadly, that will never be the case. Mankind has not evolved enough to take the next step. We have proven, again and again, we are, at heart, wild savages capable of the most horrific acts of cruelty over trivial matters like race, sex, religion, politics, and especially, sports.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Monsterz Ball
Okay. It's mid-October. You know what that means. Yep. Every network is knocking the dust off of every monster movie you've ever heard of, including one guaranteed to give you the freakie shites for life: Trilogy Of Terror. I don't know if you've seen this little nugget or not, but it has genuinely freaked out millions of people, myself included. Hell, you should see how it effects my ex-wife. I can do that little Ya-ya-ya-ya! scream perfectly and, combine that with rattling knobs and swiping a steak knife under the door....well, she doesn't stop screaming 'til the sedatives kick in. Yeah, this movie definitely ranks very high on my fright factor film list, along with the original Salem's Lot with that spooky, blue, bald, buck-toothed vampire, John Carpenter's The Thing, and The Howling. There was also an episode of Tales From The Dark Side that featured a little monster under the bed and in the closet that looked kind of like an E.T. from Hell that had me leaping into my bed from the light switch for years...... Ahem. Getting back to my subject, though: The Zuni Fetish Doll. .......Is it just me, or does this dude look like Ronnie James Dio?

Seriously....dare to compare. You'll know for the first time, if he's evil, or divine.

Am I right, or what? Don't get me wrong, I love Dio's music. I've bought it all, even the ELF stuff and Angry Machines, so don't think I'm busting the man's proverbial balls....I'm not. I'm just saying, they have a passing resemblance. ......And he IS rather short... Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get back under the blanket on my bed before the sun goes down. Oh, that's right...that doesn't keep the monsters at bay, either. THANKS A LOT CREATORS OF 'THE BOY WHO CRIED WEREWOLF'!!!!

Seriously....dare to compare. You'll know for the first time, if he's evil, or divine.

Am I right, or what? Don't get me wrong, I love Dio's music. I've bought it all, even the ELF stuff and Angry Machines, so don't think I'm busting the man's proverbial balls....I'm not. I'm just saying, they have a passing resemblance. ......And he IS rather short... Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get back under the blanket on my bed before the sun goes down. Oh, that's right...that doesn't keep the monsters at bay, either. THANKS A LOT CREATORS OF 'THE BOY WHO CRIED WEREWOLF'!!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
BANG! ZOOM! To The Moon!
NASA has made it's intentions public to detonate a bomb laden missile on the southern pole of the moon this Friday in an attempt to find water. What's wrong with this picture? Humans, already over harvesting resources here on Earth to the point of causing major climactic changes, have become so bored they now want to do something equally as stupid and threatening to our neighbor Luna......GIVE ME A FREAKING BREAK ALREADY!!!!!!!
This has all the ear marks of a science fiction horror movie. First of all....bombs, bad. Have they done any core drilling to find out precisely what is under the surface of Luna? No. There is going to be a plume of debris jettisoned into space from the blast. If it escapes Luna's gravity, and in all likelihood it will, guess where it will make landfall? Has anyone stopped to consider there might be micro-organisms in that cloud that could possibly wipe out life on Earth? No. We're talking about NASA after all, the people who spend billions of our tax dollars so egg-headed nerds without a lick of common sense can play in their sandbox in the sky.
What has all their research yielded us? Space underwear, for starts. You heard me. A Japanese astronaut created underwear to keep him from getting stinky in space. That's about the only practical application I've heard of. But for me, there are a lot of 'what ifs' they need to address before following through with this plan.
What if their bombs shift Luna's rotation? If the moon starts spinning faster than it does, it will have a direct effect on it's gravitational pull which, in turn, will have a direct bearing on our own gravity and wreak unholy hell on the tides.
What if it causes a shift in the moon's orbit? Does anyone know how important the moon's role is in connection with the Earth? We're back to tidal forces again: The moon has a direct influence on the oceanic tides. If the moon comes closer to the Earth, it will spell disaster. Global coastal flooding on a daily basis will ensue. Countless acres of land will be lost and millions of homes and businesses will be destroyed.
What if the bombs strike a fault line and tears the moon apart? Do any of us want a city-sized chunk of moon rock landing here on Earth? Can you say catastrophe? I knew you could. It would trigger a mass extinction event which would most likely kill off humanity. Score one for the doomsayers. I don't want the premise of H.G. Well's The Time Machine to come to fruition. Spare me the Morlocs, please.
What if they rain down a new type of super-virus? Scientists have discovered asteroids that crash landed here eons ago which had microscopic life embedded in them. Do we really need another black plague? Which leads me to the far-fetched.....
What if they disturb an advanced alien race living subterraneously on the moon? What if those bombs piss them off? Who's to say they won't fly over here and open up a jumbo sized can of whoop ass on Mother Earth? As ridiculous as the notion is, I've gotten to the point of thinking nothing is impossible. Hell, even scientists say bumblebees shouldn't be able to fly, given the improbable relation to their mass versus their wing area......but the bumblebee doesn't know that.
Given what we already know of NASA's past blunders.....SDI lasers used to melt polar ice to gauge the effect on global weather patterns, or using the same to super heat water in cold regions of the pacific to study effects on oceanic currents, shouldn't we be a bit more concerned with this latest stupid and costly excursion?
This has all the ear marks of a science fiction horror movie. First of all....bombs, bad. Have they done any core drilling to find out precisely what is under the surface of Luna? No. There is going to be a plume of debris jettisoned into space from the blast. If it escapes Luna's gravity, and in all likelihood it will, guess where it will make landfall? Has anyone stopped to consider there might be micro-organisms in that cloud that could possibly wipe out life on Earth? No. We're talking about NASA after all, the people who spend billions of our tax dollars so egg-headed nerds without a lick of common sense can play in their sandbox in the sky.
What has all their research yielded us? Space underwear, for starts. You heard me. A Japanese astronaut created underwear to keep him from getting stinky in space. That's about the only practical application I've heard of. But for me, there are a lot of 'what ifs' they need to address before following through with this plan.
What if their bombs shift Luna's rotation? If the moon starts spinning faster than it does, it will have a direct effect on it's gravitational pull which, in turn, will have a direct bearing on our own gravity and wreak unholy hell on the tides.
What if it causes a shift in the moon's orbit? Does anyone know how important the moon's role is in connection with the Earth? We're back to tidal forces again: The moon has a direct influence on the oceanic tides. If the moon comes closer to the Earth, it will spell disaster. Global coastal flooding on a daily basis will ensue. Countless acres of land will be lost and millions of homes and businesses will be destroyed.
What if the bombs strike a fault line and tears the moon apart? Do any of us want a city-sized chunk of moon rock landing here on Earth? Can you say catastrophe? I knew you could. It would trigger a mass extinction event which would most likely kill off humanity. Score one for the doomsayers. I don't want the premise of H.G. Well's The Time Machine to come to fruition. Spare me the Morlocs, please.
What if they rain down a new type of super-virus? Scientists have discovered asteroids that crash landed here eons ago which had microscopic life embedded in them. Do we really need another black plague? Which leads me to the far-fetched.....
What if they disturb an advanced alien race living subterraneously on the moon? What if those bombs piss them off? Who's to say they won't fly over here and open up a jumbo sized can of whoop ass on Mother Earth? As ridiculous as the notion is, I've gotten to the point of thinking nothing is impossible. Hell, even scientists say bumblebees shouldn't be able to fly, given the improbable relation to their mass versus their wing area......but the bumblebee doesn't know that.
Given what we already know of NASA's past blunders.....SDI lasers used to melt polar ice to gauge the effect on global weather patterns, or using the same to super heat water in cold regions of the pacific to study effects on oceanic currents, shouldn't we be a bit more concerned with this latest stupid and costly excursion?
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